The 17/18 Freight demand study, the first for five years, was released recently without fanfare. Here is a link to…
Biggest cruise season looms, but NZ hasn’t signed global treaty to reduce its ship emissions
A record 123 cruise ships are set to visit Wellington this year, but New Zealand isn’t yet contributing to reducing…
Whopping $5.3 billion increase in the value of the national rail freight network
Crown financial statements detail whopping $5.3 billion increase in the value of the national rail freight network to $6.3 billion…
$100 million northern railway upgrade spurs controversy
MERRA committee member Stuart Windross says the railway upgrade is “just the ticket.” Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters and Regional…
Naval Architects appointed for new Interisland ferries
KiwiRail’s project to replace its aging Interislander ferry fleet with two new rail-enabled ferries has entered a new phase with…
Northland MP: Rail plan ‘a white elephant’, PGF funding a waste of money
Among benefits from an upgraded railway line between Swanson, Auckland and Whangārei are Northland jobs, import and export growth, reduced…
Train on track for Northland with $95m Provincial Growth Fund ticket
Shane Jones wore a conductor’s cap and blew a whistle three times to get everyone on board the party train.…
Northland rail line: KiwiRail boss says rail track would have closed within a year without Crown cash
The railway line from Auckland to Whangārei would have closed within a year without a $95 million injection announced on Friday, KiwiRail’s…
Brian Corban appointed KiwiRail Chair
The Minister for State Owned Enterprises Winston Peters and Minister of Finance Grant Robertson have announced the appointment of Mr…
Port of Tauranga signs 30 year train agreement
Port of Tauranga Chief Executive, Mark Cairns, left, and Tainui Group Holdings Chief Executive, Chris Joblin, right. Port of Tauranga…