Dunedin is to host the Road Transport Forum’s (RTF) annual conference in Dunedin in September. Photo: Yvonne O’Hara
Labour shortages, driver training and qualifications, and fatigue and impairment in the road transport sector will be some of the key issues to be discussed during the Road Transport Forum’s (RTF) annual conference in Dunedin in September.
RTF communications manager Hayden Cox said one of the big issues was the need to provide training and qualifications to workers in the industry.
He said it was important that operators were encouraged to provide training opportunities for their staff, in addition to gaining their relevant licences.
”It was something the forum needed to promote within the industry – that qualifications matter,” Mr Cox said.
He said driver fatigue and impairment from drugs, alcohol and prescription drugs was also a problem for transport industries around the world, not just in New Zealand.
Business New Zealand’s Paul Mackay will be talking about changes in employment rules.
”They will have a big effect on all transport operations,” Mr Cox said.
Steve Driver, of the Sector Workforce Engagement Programme (SWEP) will talk about addressing the transport sector driver shortage and raising the industry’s profile.
In addition there will be four sector meetings, including those for the livestock and forestry transport sectors.
Mr Cox said there were problems affecting livestock transport, including Mycoplasma bovis in relation to stock movements.
He said stock effluent containment during transport was another issue for the livestock transport sector.
Livestock transport operators were getting ‘pinged’ when the effluent tanks got full.
”Farmers are meant to stand their stock before transport, but many are not.
”Councils are meant to provide effluent disposal sites but many are not, and transport operators carry the can.
”It doesn’t take a lot of stock to fill up effluent tanks in trucks,” he said.
The conference will be at the Forsyth Barr Stadium from September 26 to 27.
In addition to a formal dinner and industry awards, the final of the 2018 New Zealand Truck Driving Championships will be held as part of the conference.