KiwiRail is welcoming the Government decision to investigate upgrading and expanding rail north of Auckland.
The initiative was announced by the Ministers of Transport and Regional Development as part of a package of Provincial Growth Fund improvements to help Northland’s economic and social growth.
They pledged $500,000 to examining the potential for rail improvements.
The coalition agreement between Labour and NZ First said the new Government would commission a feasibility study on the options for moving the Ports of Auckland, including giving Northport serious consideration.
Friday’s announcement did not mention the port specifically.
“We are looking forward to participating in the business case process. As the Government has indicated, KiwiRail has the ability to drive economic growth in the regions through our freight network, world-class tourism services and the passenger services we enable,” said KiwiRail chief executive Peter Reidy.
“Using rail also delivers a range of significant benefits including reducing carbon emissions and road congestion, making our roads safer, lowering spending on road maintenance and upgrades, and reducing fatalities.
“Every tonne of freight carried by rail is a 66 per cent emissions saving over heavy road freight.
“Northland’s rail lines are under-used and much of the rail infrastructure is old, reducing the speed at which trains can travel. The tunnels are not fit for purpose when it comes to container freight and considerable investment is needed to bring the rail line up to modern standards.
“If it proceeds, this work will allow for faster trains, larger modern sized containers and tourism services.”
KiwiRail currently runs one weekday return service to Auckland on the line predominantly carrying dairy and forestry.
– Stuff